list of tutorial problems

16120    FRUITS AND VEGETABLE NITK05 40 74.14
16136    Help Santa HLPSANTA 33 45.45
16182    Totla Baba! (Easy) TOTLA 29 65.66
16235    Sir and The Super Over Tale OVER 329 39.18
16246    Trener TRENER 585 56.59
16247    Creativity CREATE 35 73.08
16249    Takeshis Maze TAKESHI 43 54.08
16276    Elections TAP2013B 190 30.77
16481    Split the number SPLITNUM 20 38.39
16508    Divisors TJUT1 19 42.11
16510    Baza SKBAZA 9 100.00
16551    Backwards alphabetized epigrams EPIGRAMS 10 48.00
16555    Name Scraping NSA 12 55.56
16579    Count the Pairs PAIRS1 1390 30.14
16637    Non-Square Free Numbers IE3 21 31.58
16640    Pokemon Auction COLOR3 69 64.96
16665    The new species POPO 2 4.88
16669    The Wicked Employer WICKEMP 3 10.20
16694    Goodness of Numbers GOODNESS 33 37.62
16779    Sir and the Cooks CSHOWE 24 31.82
16784    Sachin Loves Boundaries CSHOWH 37 37.93
16786    Sir and Chess1 CSHOWF1 19 84.62
16861    Learn to Add LTOADD 65 73.20
16868    Fairchild Drive FAIRCHIL 7 58.82
17244    Anubis wants to know how many PR003001 29 52.38
17246    Come on, it is just a power of two! PR003003 31 27.64
17307    tropgard TROPGARD 0 0.00
17622    Calculate your GPA GPACALC 484 40.76
17629    SLEEPIN SLEEPIN 14 75.00
17641    Lights Out KAMLIGHT 9 43.59
17823    Test Xor TESTXOR 22 49.09
17831    Test Binary to Hexadecimal Converting TESTCON0 19 74.19
17978    Counting Points In Rectangles CPIR 21 28.70
18031    Quest for bananas! ALVASCIS 26 36.36
18032    Rubike’s Cube BLVASCIS 4 20.69
18033    The Smurfs CLVASCIS 55 61.62
18034    Arab Cleaning Masters DLVASCIS 12 20.00
18035    Aya the new contestant ELVASCIS 5 28.57
18036    Koko FLVASCIS 72 34.66
18037    Mohamed and Ali Baba GLVASCIS 8 36.00
18038    Bombings _ Bombings Everywhere HLVASCIS 7 53.85
18039    Atito’s family ILVASCIS 33 61.97
18040    Tau In World Final JLVASCIS 4 19.05
18041    Salama’s Birthday KLVASCIS 24 31.63
18042    Journey to the center of the earth LLVASCIS 16 48.84
18049    Robert Langdon & Sign Queue RLSIGNQ 52 71.59
18143    Kimo and Divisors KIMODIV 82 26.34
18157    Double Primes DBLPRM 35 25.42
18166    Counting Bits BITS 483 61.03
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